(ANSI) C Reference – C Operators
A look at the ANSI C operators and their meaning.
++ –> Increment
— –> Decrement
+, – –> Plus, minus
! –> Logical not
~ –> Bitwise no
* –> Multiply
/ –> Divide
% –> Modulus
sizeof –> Size of an object
(type) expr –> Cast expression to type
<<, >> –> Left and right shift (bit operations)
>, >=, <, <=, ==, != –> Comparisons
& –> Bitwise and
| –> Bitwise or
^ –> Bitwise exclusive or
&& –> Logical and
|| –> Logical or
expr1 ? expr2 –> Conditional expression
+=, -=, *=, … –> Assignment operators
, –> Expression evaluation separator
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