C Reference function atof() convert a string to a double
This function of stdlib will convert a string to a double.
Usage of atof():
double atof ( const char * str );
C string str interpreting its content as a floating point number. White-spaces are discarded until the first non-whitespace character is found. A valid floating point number for atof is formed by: plus or minus sign, sequence of digits, decimal point and optional exponent part (character ‘e’ or ‘E’)
Return value:
The function returns the converted floating point number as a double value, if successful.
If no valid conversion could be performed then an zero value is returned.
Source code example of atof():
int main ()
double a,b;
char buffer [256];
printf ( "Input: " );
gets (buffer);
a = atof (buffer);
b = a/2;
printf ( "a= %f and b= %f\n" , a, b );
return 0;
Output of the atof example program above:
Input: 12
a= 12.000000 and b= 6.000000

Can you give some more examples? This has given me some idea but still has not cleared logic.