C Reference String Operation: strncmp()
The function strncmp() compares one string with another string up-to n characters.
int strncmp( const char * target, const char * source, size_t count);
If the two strings are equal then zero is returned. If the target string is less than source then a value that is less then zero is returned.
If the target string is greater than source then a value that is greater then zero is returned.
strncmp() source code example:
char line[100];
char line2[100];
printf("Input first word:");
scanf("%s", line);
printf("Input second word:");
scanf("%s", line2);
if (strncmp(line, line2, 2) == 0)
printf ("equal\n");
if (strncmp(line, line2, 2) < 0)
printf("less then equal\n");
if (strncmp(line, line2, 2) > 0)\
printf("greater then equal\n");
Output of the strncmp example:
Input first word:aabb
Input second word:aabb
Input first word:aaaa
Input second word:aabb
Note: the count is set to 2 in this example.
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Title says strncmp, but discussion and code are for strncat.
Sorry about that. I think something went wrong during conversion to wordpress. Fixed the problem.