C Reference function mktime()
Usage of mktime():
time_t mktime ( struct tm * ptr_time );
The pointer ptr_time points to a tm structure that contains a calendar time, which in turn is broken down into its components.
Return Value:
A time_t value corresponding to the calendar time passed as argument.
If an error occurs then the function mktime() returns a -1 value.
The contents of the tm structure is interpret by the mktime function as a calendar time expressed in local time.
This calendar time is then used to change the values of the members of the ptr_time. The result will be returned as an object of the type time_t.
The original values of the members tm_wday and tm_yday of timeptr are ignored.
Note: the ranges of values for the rest of its members are not restricted to their normal values.
The object pointed by ptr_time is modified, setting the tm_wday and tm_yday to their appropriate values.
It then modifies the other members, if necessary, to values within the normal range representing the specified time.
Source code example of mktime():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void)
struct tm time_info;
time_t time_raw_format;
time_info.tm_year = 2008-1900;
time_info.tm_mon = 0;
time_info.tm_mday = 1;
time_info.tm_hour = 0;
time_info.tm_min = 0;
time_info.tm_sec = 1;
time_info.tm_isdst = 0;
time_raw_format = mktime(&time_info);
return 0;
Output example of the program above:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:01 2008